Community Story Explorer

#WomensHistoryIs is a movement that claims the value and importance of every woman’s story. We asked which women in history, your community, or your family inspire you.  

The stories you’ve shared to date showcase the profound impact women have on those around them, and the vast diversity of their experiences. 

Accessibility Options

For screen reader-friendly keyboard navigation, use the following controls:

  • CTRL+SHIFT+7 and CTRL+SHIFT+9 Keys - Navigate between diamond stars
  • CTRL+SHIFT+8 - Open and close stories
  • CTRL+SHIFT+BACKSLASH Key - Mute and Unmute
  • Escape Key - Open and Close Menu
    hover over star GIF animation

    To bring these stories into focus, click on the diamond-shaped stars. Discover more by clicking and dragging to move around the sky. On your phone, tap once to select a diamond star, and tap again to reveal the story.

    When we look up at the night sky, we see starlight that originated many thousands of years ago. But we don't have to wait eons to recognize the lasting effects women have had on the people around them, this country, and the world; it's important to capture and share women's stories today.

    We asked people which women in history, in their communities, or in their families inspire them. The stories people shared showcase the profound impact women's lives can have, and the vast diversity of their experiences.

    This story explorer presents just some of the hundreds of submissions we received. Note that in some cases, these contributions have been lightly edited only for clarity or length. For privacy, full names have only been used in cases where a person is deceased or is publicly well-known. 

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    Mouse Controls

    To reveal stories, hover over and click diamond-shaped stars. To navigate the sky, click and drag with your left mouse button.

    Mobile Controls

    Tap once on the diamond-shaped stars to hover; tap a second time to read the stories. Drag the sky to the left or right to navigate.  

    Accessible Design

    As you navigate between stars, each has a unique sound and spatial location in the sky to improve the experience for more users.

    Keyboard Controls (compatible with screen readers)

    • CTRL+SHIFT+7 and CTRL+SHIFT+9 Keys - Navigate between diamond stars
    • CTRL+SHIFT+8 Key - Open and close stories
    • CTRL+SHIFT+Backslash Key - Mute and Unmute
    • Escape Key - Open and Close Menu
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    Privacy and Terms of Use

    Stories represented here were submitted to the Smithsonian American Women’s History Museum through a story collection form. All story submitters have agreed to the Community Story Submission Terms and Conditions

    Stories featured in the story explorer represent just some of the hundreds of submissions we received. Note that in some cases, these contributions have been lightly edited only for clarity or length. To protect people's privacy, full names have only been used in the cases where a person is deceased or is publicly well-known. 

    Additional information:  

    Smithsonian Institution's Privacy Statement 

    Smithsonian Institution’s Terms of Use  

    Community Story Submission Terms and Conditions 

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